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Linkedin API

This API is a powerful tool that enables developers to build applications and services that integrate with LinkedIn’s platform. It provides access to LinkedIn’s data and functionality programmatically, allowing developers to create custom applications that interact with LinkedIn in a variety of ways. The LinkedIn API is available for free to developers, and it provides access to a wide range of features, including user profiles, company pages, job postings, and messaging functionality.

The LinkedIn API is divided into several different parts, each of which provides a specific set of functionality. The REST API is the most commonly used part of the LinkedIn API, and it allows developers to access LinkedIn’s data using HTTP requests. The API also provides access to LinkedIn’s data through OAuth 2.0, which allows developers to authenticate users and access their data on their behalf. In addition, there is also a Real-time Streaming API, which allows developers to receive real-time updates from LinkedIn’s platform as new data becomes available.

Overall, the LinkedIn API is an incredibly powerful tool for developers who are looking to build applications and services that interact with LinkedIn’s platform. With its wide range of functionality and its ease of use, the LinkedIn API has become a popular choice for developers who are looking to create custom applications that leverage LinkedIn’s data and functionality. Whether you’re building a job search platform, a LinkedIn analytics dashboard, or a custom LinkedIn bot, the LinkedIn API provides a powerful and flexible way to integrate with LinkedIn’s platform and create custom applications that meet your specific needs.

There is extensive documentation on various types of implementations that can be viewed here. This is only a drop of what’s needed to build an app, of course, but the approval process is fast and you could have your Linkedin app ready to go in as little as a week!

A cost for development can vary greatly depending on which features are needed, please contact us to get things started.